distribution system

To date 290 miles of pipeline are operational, with combination air/vacuum valve vaults roughly every half mile and isolation valve vaults roughly every 5 miles that need to be checked on a periodic basis (approximately 270 total vaults).  When completed the System will have 337 miles of pipeline ranging from 6 inch to 54 inch.  The Distribution System also currently includes 20 metering facilities and the Tea Pump Station boosts pressure along the main transmission lines going north and east of Sioux Falls.  Three reservoirs have a combined capacity of 18 million gallons — two 7.5 million gallons ground storage reservoirs near Tea and a 3 million gallons elevated composite water tower along 85th Street in southern Sioux Falls.  The System’s current water loss is virtually zero as it is within the margin of error of the meters, which is virtually unheard of in the industry.  A water loss of 5% is considered very good. Hardness of the water is only 9 grains per gallon (160 parts per million).      

All of the member connections and facilities can be controlled and monitored remotely by the SCADA control system.  The system consists of online instrumentation, analyzers, control valves, pumps and meters that provides real time data back to the treatment plant.  This gives operations staff the ability to make adjustments as needed to ensure the members receive water at a rate, pressure and quality they expect.