An estimated 100 people gathered to celebrate Sheldon’s connection to L&C!  Speakers included US Congressman Randy Feenstra, Bureau of Reclamation (BoR) Senior Advisor Roque Sanchez, BoR Regional Director Brent Esplin, US Senator Chuck Grassley staffer Jacob Bossman, US Senator Joni Ernst staffer Kolby DeWitt, L&C Chairman Murray Hulstein, L&C Director Todd Uhl and Mayor of Sheldon Greg Geels. Feenstra referred to L&C water as “liquid gold.”   Other speakers addressed the perseverance and teamwork to get to this point, as well as the many long-term benefits to the community. Other L&C directors who attended were Jim Hoye, Larry Pedley, Heidi Kramer, Jerry Lonneman, Ryan Holtz and Jeff Heidebrecht. A total of seven BoR officials attended, including Area Manager Joe Hall and Rural Water Division Manager Dani Fettig from Bismarck, as well as Niall O’Connor, of the BoR congressional liaison office in D.C.